Christmas Spirit?

What is the “Christmas Spirit?” Is it the sense of gratitude that you will be spending time with your loved ones or has the materialism of Christmas also consumed the Christmas spirit? I am not sure, but I assume karma has something to do with it.

Today, as my wife and I completed our Christmas shopping list and we drove home, I became consumed with the materialism of Christmas. We all get greedy. Strike that. I get greedy. I want to be spoiled with gifts. My greed and Christmas materialism led to a heated argument between my wife and me.

When we get home, she storms off to our room. I keep my distance and lay on the couch.

As I tried to nap in a noisy house, Remy, my son, tells me that he needs help getting pants from the top rod of his closet. While in Remy’s closet, I hear the loud roar of water. As I get Remy a pair of pants, I think to myself, “It cannot be raining.”

After I give him his pants, I go outside and see the road full of water, but the water is not falling from the sky. As I walk to the side of my house, I see a geyser of water shooting fifteen feet into the air from the sprinkler system. My sprinkler system fell victim to the winter freeze.

So much for my pipe wrapping skills. To be honest, I just ensured that last year’s wrapping was not undone.

Karma is funny. Karma knows how to ground you. Karma reminds you what is important.


