I created this blog to force me to write. I enjoy writing. But due to my career, I write bland legal briefs. I hardly get an interesting case that forces me to dive deep into a section of the law that I do not have a strong grasp on.
Additionally, most of my clients are not risk takers. I hardly get a client with an interesting set of facts that is willing to fight his or her case to a higher court. Part of it is a financial reason. The other part is the appellate process. At times, it is cheaper and faster just to refile the same case. It is a mess of a system.
Back to the topic at hand, I want to write. But not solely legal briefs. I want to explore parts of writing that I have not used in years. Today, I titled this blog “Building a Habit” because in order to build a habit, I cannot allow myself to take days off. I am a procrastinator. A day becomes two. I hope yesterday is the only day I did not post anything.